Australia - APO years: 1957-1975.
Reply paid telegram transmission form: AW-RO-10.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number T.G. 43 or T.X. 43.
Australian Post Office above
Message area: Three dotted lines.
Reverse side: Instructions.
Colours (text & form): Black on blue.
Size of form overall: 126 × 202 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

Reply Voucher used at
Chief Telegraph Office, Melbourne
on 17 February 1966.


  • Form number is T.G. 43;
  • has the schedule number on the reverse side;
  • "FOR FURTHER .." at left is below the space for the date stamp;
  • has "Phone No." in lower right corner.

This form and the one below are identical.

  • The top form was used 3 days after the introduction of decimal currency and the amount pre-paid is written in shillings and pence.
  • The second form was used nine months later and the same amount pre-paid is written in decimal currency..
AA-RO-10Aa AA-RO-10Aa.

Reply Voucher used at Serpentine,Vic on 23 November 1966.


  • Form number is T.G. 43;
  • has the schedule number on the reverse side;
  • "FOR FURTHER .." at left is below the space for the date stamp;
  • has "Phone No." in lower right corner.



AA-RO-10Aa rev AA-RO-10Aa reverse.

The reverse side of the above form showing:

  • the instructions for use;
  • the form number and the schedule number.
Printed in 1968.

Unused Reply-paid transmission form.


  • Form number is T.G. 43;
  • has the schedule number on the reverse side;
  • "FOR FURTHER .." at left is below the space for the date stamp;
  • has "Telephone No." in lower right corner.

Reverse side is the same as for the above RO-10Aa.


Printed in 1972.

Unused Reply-paid transmission form.


  • form number changed to TX 43;
  • has the schedule number in the lower left corner;
  • "FOR FURTHER .." at left is above the space for the date stamp.
AA-RO-10B rev AA-RO-10B reverse.

The reverse side of the above form showing:

  • the instructions for use;
  • the form number;
  • details of the telephone or telex subscriber's details.


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
RO-10Aa O/N. C.3054. - 6/64... 17 February 1966 at C.T.O Melbourne RR (used)
RO-10Ab O/N C3726/68 - L   NC
RO-10B O/N C4254/72 - L   NC